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Trik cara Menampilkan Text boundaries di Microsoft Word

Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

Teman teman gimana kabarnya  ane udah lama nggak posting artikel-artikel yang bermanfaat ni gan kali ini saya akan berbagi info sedikit sekali tentang dunia microsoft office,microsoft office adalah software yang sangat membantu bagi pekerja yang sehari hari dikelilingi oleh kertas, atau bisa lebih istilahnya yaitu buat orang - orang yang kerjanya di kantor, nah kalo kalian blom pernah punya softwarenya download aja di situs situs penyedia sofwarenya banyak ko yang menyediakan sofware itu, langsung aja yaa, yang mau saya bagikan yaitu tentang gimana cara menambahkan atau menampilkan Text boundaries di Microsoft word banyak orang orang yang belum pada tau gimana cara menampilakan Text boundaries itu soalnya gini ni gan kalo agan agan misalnya menginstal Microsoft Office di PC anda, terus buka deh Microsoft Word anda akan melihat default nya microsoft word itu dengan tidak ada Text boundariesnya,apa itu text boundaries yaitu garis titik titik yang mengelilingi lembar kerja atau kertas di word yang rapih,nah gini nih caranya yaitu dengan cara kita mencari option di yaitu tempatnya di pojok atas kanan terus di bawahnya ada word options>Advanced>Show text boundaries nah cuman gito aja sih kenapa saya postingkan ini karena ketika saat saya ke warnet warnet di daerah saya Microsoft Wordnya masih default semua tentunya belum ada text boundariesnya, ya itu teh bukti masih banyak teman teman yang belum pada tahu cara memasang text boundaries, tapi disini saya bukan so tau, saya juga masih dalam tahap belajar semua, apalagi tentang software ini masih banyak sekali yang belum ngerti terutama microsoft exel, yang masih lier kalo bahasa sundanya karena banyak rumus nya dan perhitungan yang lumayan rumit, tapi mudah mudahan dengan belajar terus saya akan bisa doain saja  yaa oleh agan agan amiin, mudah mudahan postingan saya ini bermanfaat sekali khususnya bagi saya umumnya bagi yang membaca artikel ini, good luck.. sampai ketemu di postingan saya selajutnya... 

Lirik Lagu Dreamshade Photographs

Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Why has it all changed?
What have we lost?
What have we gained?

Nothing of this will ever remain
Only a bunch of child’s memories

Why has it all changed?
What have I lost?
what have you gained?

Nothing of this will ever remain
Only a bunch of child’s memories
Hidden in shame
We used to stay together
Dreaming of what we’d have become
We’d have been friends forever
What should I say now that you’re gone?

Through my eyes you’re fading
This is the way I feel

Why has it all changed?
What have we lost?
What have we gained?

Nothing of this will ever remain
Only a bunch of child’s memories

Why has it all changed?
What have I lost? and what have you gained?

Nothing of this will ever remain
Only a bunch of child’s memories
I miss those times when we played as kids
No worries about our future, no enemies
Now I close my eyes
Trying to go back then with my mind
Oh, how I wish we could live the old times again

Through my eyes you’re fading
This is the way I feel

We can’t stand here waiting
Why are we afraid if there’s
Nothing but time between us
We can’t stand here waiting

Nothing is changing
Will we ever meet again?

Will we ever meet again?
What are we waiting for?
What are we so afraid of?

Lirik Dream Shade As Serenity Falls :

the pain arrives and destroys your mind
and then you look inside yourself finding only heartache,
finding only the hidden truth

There's only one place
where you can find the answers to your dreams

I gave you the keys,
I gave you the thrust to act as you wished,
and here we have the result: our love will burn forever

We lived through many difficulties,
once beyond the lies

I saw you were crying;
it was your consciousness that made you understand
that our destinies are chained

I will be nothing for you
if you'll be nothing for me
But as serenity falls
I will still have hope

And the world so celestial,
like heaven, like you
The wind brings me your essence,
your spirit, you're mine

You know what I feel,
you know I've got you in my flesh,
an indelible fucking stain which cannot be erased

So our legend will always survive, through centuries and time:
we have guarded our secret, day by day, enjoying every instant;
we have built our story, we have moved on together breaking every chain

Together we'll never give up,
we'll never abandon, we'll never give up
Destroying the walls, destroying our enemies
and finally opening the doors to freedom

I gave you the keys,
I gave you the thrust to act as you wished,
and here we have the result: our love will burn forever

[ These are As Serenity Falls Lyrics on http://www.lyricsmania.com/ ]

Iklan Abdi

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