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Belajar Dasar-dasar Bahasa Inggris (lesson two)

Selasa, 26 Juli 2011


A.percakapan cara menanyakan Milik, Nama, dan Warna sesuatu  benda
Fauziah : Good morning, Azizah !
Azizah  :  Good morning.
Fauziah :  How are you ?
Azizah  :  I'm fine thank, and you ?
fauziah  :  I'm Very well, thank you. Excuse me, Azizah ! who is that in front of the house ?
Azizah  :  it si my sister.
Fauziah :  oh......! what is her name ?
Azizah  :  Her name is Aisyah.
Fauziah :  whose novel is this ?
Azizah  :  it si my novel.
Fauziah : and......whose magazine is that, on the table ? is it your magazine, too ?
Azizah  :  no, it isn't. It is Hery's magazine ?
Fauziah :  who is Hery, Azizah. ?
Azizah   : He is my Brother.
Fauziah :  I see. where is your magazine ?
Azizah  :  It is on the shelf.
Fauziah : may I borrow it ?
Azizah  :  Yes, of course . Get it yourslef .
Fauziah :  Thank you.. um... whose English book is this ?
Azizah  :  what colour is it ?
Fauziah :  It is blue.
Azizah  :  oh, that's my sister's.
Fauziah : And what colour is your English book ?
Azizah   :  It is ted. It is on my big dictionary.
B. Possessive Adjective. 
    possessive adjective adalah kata sifat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan milik atau kepunyaan.
possessive adjetive adalah sbb. :
my                                                    punya saya/.....saya/....Aku..
our                                                    punya kami/kita/....kam/...kita
your                                                  punya kamu...
their..                                                punya mereka/..nya
his                                                     punya dia laki-laki...nya
her                                                    punya di perempuan/....nya
its                                                      punya dia selain orang/...nya
   dalam pembentukan possessive adjective diikuti langsung oleh kata benda, dan kata sandang "a" di depan kata benda di hilngkan.
contoh  :
my book                                            buku saya
our house                                           rumah kita/ kami
you radio                                           radio kamu/ radiomu
their school                                        sekolah mereka/ sekolahnya.
his car                                                mobil dia laki- laki/ mobilnya.
her bag                                              tas di perempuan /tasnya
its tail                                                 ekor dia/ ekornya

contoh dalam kalimat
- This is my book.
- This is their school
- it is her bag
- That is not your radio.
- That is not our house.
-it is not his car.
-  Is this their house ?
- Is that your school ?
- Is it my pencil ?

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