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Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

GRammar : Is a science that teaches us how to speak, to read and to write correctly.

The Parts of speech are eight in number  :

1.      Noun   : Is the word used for naming some persons or things. e.g.  door, ink Ahmad, eat etc.

2.      Pronoun :   is the word used instead of noun

3.      Adjective         :   Is  the word used to qualifly noun of pronoun.

                        e.g That woman is pretty

                        Mr. nurdin is clever

4.      Verb  :  Is the word used for saying about person or thing

            e.g they read the book in the class

            He is sleeping on the bed


5.      Adverb                        :    Is the word used for qualifying the meaning of verb, adjective or other adverbs

e.g   the babies cries loudly

His belt very good

His friend comes late/his friend come too late

Here   :  loudly tells how cries, very qualifies the adjective good, and too tells how is late

6.      Preposition   :   Is the word placed before a noun or pronoun to show it relationship to some other word in the sentence.

e.g   the black cat sleeps under the table

         the servant washes the dresses on the river

7.      Conjunction   :   Is the word used to join one word to another word or one sentence to another sentence.

e.g    Sunarti and Rendra came yesterday

          I have breakfast before I go to the school

The noun is Sunarti is joined the noun Rendra by the word and I go to the school is joined the sentence I have breakfast by the word before

8.      Interjection     :  Is the word put into sentence to express a sudden feeling of mind or emotion.

e.g     Oh my God, protect me  !

           Bah ! He is not actor

           Hurrah  !  I Passed in the examination

Here ;  oh my God, express the feeling of surprise

             Bah, express the feeling of surprise

Hurrah express the feeling of joy

         Note ;  An adjective qualifies the meaning of noun or pronoun by answering one of these questions below

-          What kind…………..?  (a diligent boy)

-          Which one……………? (the third speaker)

-          How many ………..?  (five times)

The adjective most frequently (commonly) used in English are  :  A. An, the

e.g    -  A Boy


        - The school


Noun it self can be devided into five kinds :

1.      Proper noun

2.      Common noun

3.      Material noun]

4.      Collective noun

5.      Abstract noun

1.      A  Proper noun  :

            Is the word that stands for the name of person, country, or any particular names which begun with a capital letter. e.g . Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia

                                                               Abdul Hadi is my friend

                                                               Dian Read Qur’an on last Friday

                                                            Here ; Indonesia  - stands of for the name of country

                                                                        Jakarta  - denotes one particular city

                                                                        Abdul Hadi  -  stands for the name of person

                                                                         Friday  - stands for the name of day

                                                              Each of these words above are with a capital letter. so these all words are kre known as PROPER NOUNS.

2.      A. Common noun  : 

Is a word that denotes no want thing in particular baut it is common to any numbers of thing of same kind

e.g  Take your book please !

        I met men yesterday

       Every one has to love his country

Here ; Book does not point out particular book, such Qur’an ; but can be used for any and every book . man does not point out oparticular man such as Helmi, but can be used forany and everyman. Country does not point out any particular country such as Indonesia but can be used for any and every particular country In the world.

3.      Material noun

Is a word that denotes the matter substance of which things are made.

e.g    salf is necessary  life

         Fish live in the water

          A Table is made of wood

Here ; salt denotes the matter, water denotes the matter, wood denotes the substance


4.      A Collective noun

Is a word that denotes a group of collection of multitude as one complete whole.

e.g    1.  I see the flock in the field

          2. the army made the ceremony

         3. those are navy

Here ;       the flock stands for all the sheep at once in the field, and not for one sheep taken   separatly

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